
The Fédération des parents francophones de l’Alberta began to take shape in 1986 on the initiative of several parents who had the Francophonie and the well-being of their children at heart.

Concretely, it was at the Congrès de la francophonie in Edmonton that the FPFA was born and became the organization that would pursue the interests of parents who want French-language education as a first language for their children.

It was subsequently on May 23, 1987, that the ACFA (Association canadienne-française de l’Alberta) officially signed an agreement with the FPFA in order to promote it as a recognized non-profit organization. It is also thanks to the work of the ACFA and its education office that the FPFA has been able to organize and structure itself. The notoriety of its founder and his support gave the Fédération des parents francophones de l’Alberta the necessary springboard to successfully undertake their start-up phase.

The organization has come a long way since its founding and remains very confident in its future. In recent years, the FPFA has been able to grow, in particular by improving its services and by developing partnerships. In fact, since 2012, the FPFA has been recognized as the official voice of French-speaking parents and school councils with the Alberta Ministry of Education.

Today, the organization provides quality services that are relevant to its mission. The FPFA promotes its services through a grassroots approach, in addition to benefiting from word of mouth from its satisfied members. So far, the grassroots approach and word of mouth have ensured the success of the organization.


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