Why a federation?

A federation is an association which brings together associative organizations having a common cause or acting in the same direction. Thus, the associations which form the federation generally operate in the same sector.

The FPFA is a federation since it represents associations (and not individuals) that all share the same objective, namely to allow Francophones in Alberta to have access to education in French as a first language.


Who are our members?

Extract from the FPFA’s Rules and Regulations of June 21, 2017


4.1 Member association

4.1.1 Any independent body or group composed entirely or mainly of Francophone parents as defined under section 23. (1) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and freedoms, such as school councils, societies, and parents’ committees.

4.1.2 Any independent organization or group made up entirely or mainly of French-speaking parents representing early childhood services.

4.1.3 It is the responsibility of the FPFA to keep the list of its member associations up to date.

4.2 Associate member

4.2.1 Any organization, group or person who supports the vision, mission and mandate of the FPFA.

4.2.2 Does not have the right to vote.

Therefore, the members of the FPFA are:

  • Francophone school councils of Alberta
  • Parents’ societies of francophone schools in Alberta
  • Francophone preschools in Alberta which are managed by a parents’ committee
  • Francophone daycares in Alberta which are managed by a parents’ committee
  • Alberta’s two francophone family resource centers

Member have the right to vote at the general meetings.


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