Study “Increase the number of French-language daycare spaces in Alberta”

published April 14, 2016.

A significant number of Francophone parents are unable to find a French daycare space for their child. It was following this observation that the Fédération des parents francophones de l’Alberta decided to carry out a study on the subject funded by the Secrétariat francophone.

Following this report, the FPFA decided to play a leadership role with Francophone daycare services and to set up an effective support mechanism to meet the needs of the Francophone community by creating the Service de soutien à la gestion des services de garde (SSG). The primary goal of the SSG is to offer immediate support to Francophone child care services in Alberta and to help parents find a place in Francophone child care centres.

Number of child care and preschool spaces in Alberta

Since 2016, the FPFA has supported and stimulated the creation of new places in childcare services.

The provincial working group on early childhood, made up of the Conseil de développement économique de l’Alberta, Réseau santé albertain, Fédération des conseils scolaires francophones de l’Alberta, Centre collégial de l’Alberta and the FPFA, advances several initiatives towards the creation of new spaces in francophone daycare centres in Alberta. The objective of this working group is to share the initiatives undertaken and the issues encountered, while encouraging collaboration.

The FPFA collaborated with the Réseau de développement économique et d’employabilité Canada, through the Conseil de développement économique de l’Alberta, on entrepreneurial initiatives such as the development of a provincial network of Francophone family daycare.

The ambitious goal of the early childhood working group is to create 1,000 new spaces in Francophone daycare centres in Alberta by March 31, 2023.

1 to 5 years old
6 to 12 years old
April 2016
August 2019
August 2020
1 200
August 2021
1 240
August 2022
1 256
August 2023
1 393
August 2024
1 536



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