Mission, Vision, Mandate
The Fédération des parents francophones de l’Alberta (FPFA) had its beginnings in 1986, the result of an initiative by several parents who had the Francophonie and the welfare of their children at heart. Actually, it was at the Congrès de la francophonie held in Edmonton that FPFA was inaugurated as the primary organization responsible for supporting parents desire for a French first language education for their children.
FPFA represents, equips and gathers Francophone parents in Alberta.
Support parents to be confident and committed to the Francophonie.
Representing – Tooling – Gathering
SKILLS: This is the demonstration of the organization’s credibility as a leader, strategist, developer, manager and quality service provider in French throughout the continuum from pregnancy to post-secondary level.
INNOVATION: It is the ability of the organization to demonstrate its know-how and its creative abilities as a leader and visionary in the implementation of strategies that respond to the ever-changing needs of Francophone parents in their role as primary educators.
COLLABORATION: This is the approach favored by the FPFA, both internally and externally, to bring together forces in a harmonious climate to achieve its results.