Press release

Edmonton, April 1st, 2022 – The Fédération des parents francophones de l’Alberta (FPFA) is proud to announce that it has been granted status as a Francophone Dayhome agency in Alberta.A study by FPFA in 2016 revealed that there were no francophone agencies in Alberta, which motivated FPFA to apply for this status to serve francophone child care.
The Alberta government has not granted family child care agency status for several years. However, with the revision of the Child Care Regulation Act in February 2021, the government re-launched the licensing process allowing the FPFA to apply for a license which it obtained on March 31, 2022.
The province has confirmed that funding to cover the operating costs of the agency will be tendered in the coming years and that the francophone community will be given priority in this process. The FPFA and the government will work together to better meet the needs of Francophones.
“The FPFA has taken a major step forward in the early childhood file by obtaining this license. This is a concrete step forward in our collaboration with RDÉE Canada on entrepreneurial initiatives such as the development of a provincial network of French-language home childcare centres. It is now more realistic to reach our goal of creating 1,000 new spaces in francophone daycares by March 31, 2023,” concludes Nadine Morton, president of the FPFA.
The FPFA invites Francophone dayhomes to contact it to benefit from its French language support services and to become an accredited dayhome in order to offer reduced childcare fees to all their parents.


For more information:
Mireille Péloquin, Executive Director